Sunday Fun #1 - Making Your Own Lip Gloss

So Sundays are supposed to be a day of relaxing and having fun. At my house, my kids usually sleep in and it leaves Mom with some quiet time to write or do what ever. So today, I was sitting at the computer and looking at my lonely blog. It looked so sad with just one post on it, but I had no idea what to do to fill it. Then I came up the idea of doing a weekly feature. Nothing huge or extravagant that would take tons of time, but something that parents would enjoy as well as kids.  But above all it had to be fun.  That's how Sunday Fun came about.  

So each week, I'll post a short article about some type of fun activity or craft you can do with your tweens.  Of course, realize I had to surf the net to find these activities, so in no way am I the person who thought up them. I'm just featuring them on my blog and will always give credit to where I found it.   With that being said, enjoy the first installment of Sunday Fun - Making Your Own Lip Gloss. 

Making Your Own Lip Gloss

As a mother of two tween girls, I swear one of the biggest things my girls go through is lip gloss. It's absolutely crazy the sheer amount of lip gloss they use. And with one child allergic to strawberries, even the artificial stuff, I have to be careful with the type I get. So when I ran across this all natural lip gloss that they could make on*, I thought perfect. It's worth a shot.  

*The original post featuring this craft can be found HERE 

1 tbsp of solid vegetable shortening
1 tsp of honey
1 package of kool-aid - enough to make a two quart pitcher.
1/4 tsp of hot water

1. Combine honey and shortening in a small bowl. 
2. Mix water and kool-aid in separate bowl until completely dissolved.
3. Stir in kool-aid/water mixture a drop at a time until the lip gloss is the color/taste of preference. 

Now pardon me, as I'm off to the store to buy some shortening so my girls can try this.  I'll be sure to post pictures later of their endeavor.