Sunday Fun {2} - No Sew Fleece Pillow

Once again, its time for Sunday fun. This week the idea comes from my own kids. Last year my oldest daughter had a class called Building Blocks. At first I thought this was a class for Industrial Tech or possibly even a math class, but when she came home telling me about the cool smoothie they made and how their project for quarter would be a fleece pillow.  That's when it dawned on me, this building blocks class was actually what dear old mom called Home Economics.  Anyway she had such a blast in this class, she suggested I feature this week.   As before I went on the web and found simple directions for it, and you can find the originating site HERE.

What you will need:
Fleece (in two different colors or patterns)

How to make it:

Cut 2 identical heart shapes from the fleece, 1 of each color or pattern. To allow for a 4-inch fringe, be sure to cut the hearts 8 inches larger than you want your finished pillow. We cut ours 26 inches across and 22 inches long for an 18- by 14-inch pillow.

On 1 fleece heart, use a ruler and chalk or a disappearing-ink pen to draw a heart 4 inches in from the edge of the fabric (see illustration). Measure and draw fringe that's about 1 inch wide and 4 inches long (up to the center heart, as shown).

Stack the hearts with your chalk lines on top. Cut the fringe, through both layers of fleece, stopping at the center heart.

Begin at the bottom point of the heart and tie the top piece of fringe to the bottom piece by double-knotting them. Continue up the side of the pillow. At the dip at the top, knot together the top 4 fringes (2 pairs) into 1 double knot to cinch the opening more tightly. Then go back to knotting just 2 fringes until only 4 pairs are untied.

Stuff the heart with fiberfill. Tie the remaining fringes. Brush off any chalk that still shows. Ink lines should disappear according to the package directions.

For a twist on this gift: Try a different shape, such as this lion pillow. We knotted together squares of orange and yellow fleece and brought our king of the jungle to life with cord whiskers, and felt eyes and nose attached with tacky glue. For square pillows, cut off and discard the corner fringes before you begin knotting.

©Becki Gylberte All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.

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